The holidays can seem even more stressful if you're working and your kids are out of school. Learn tips for choosing a child care centre for vacation care.


Day Care First-Timer: Tips On How To Help Your Child Adapt To Child Care Easily

26 August 2016
, Blog

A child can have a hard time adapting to the new environment at a childcare centre. It's important that you help your child to adapt to the new environs by getting involved in the process of orientation. Below are some essential guidelines you can use to prepare your child for child care and make the transition from home to child care easier for your child. Start Preparing Early It's advisable that you start preparing your child early for day care, so that the child doesn't tense and refuse to start off the program.
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5 Tips for Getting a Night Nanny for Your Infant and Children

20 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are many childcare options today, including getting an overnight nanny if you're a parent that works on shift or just want someone to help you through the stressful first months of caring for a newborn. Night nannies can help to establish night-time structure in a child/children's lives and can ease the burden of caring for young ones, especially for working parents. A child's daytime and night-time needs are a little different, so these must be considered separately when getting a night-time caregiver.
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Getting into the garden with your kindergarten aged child

17 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There is no coincidence that the term kindergarten translates as a children's garden. Children can learn many things through the garden which can help them to grow into children ready for the rigours of formal schooling. Children and carers both enjoy spending time in the garden and can get some great benefits. Here are some tips on gardening with your kindergartener. Be explicit in your instructions It can seem obvious when you ask your child to plant the seedlings two hands apart, or to remove any of the weeds between the plants.
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Tactics For Buidling Blocks Games To Help Enhance Speech Development For Your Child

17 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Playing with building blocks with your child who has a delayed speech challenge enhances speech development and complements speech therapy. However, it's important to learn how you can enhance the experience for your child by using effective tactics that make the game more effective. Below are tips for building blocks games you can adopt to help you promote speech development for your child with speech delay. Building with Friends
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Finding a preschool for your developmentally disabled child

17 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Every child develops along their own path. For children with a developmental disability, formal childcare and preschool can be a good way for parents to get some respite and a chance to pursue other aspects of their life including work. Quality childcare can be a boon for any child and can help them reach their full potential.  Here are some steps to follow as you search for a preschool to suit your child.
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About Me
Finding holiday child care

I wish I got enough annual leave to spend all of the school holidays with my kids, but unfortunately I don't. Luckily some of the local childcare centres run some really good vacation care programs to keep the little monkeys occupied and out of trouble while I'm at work. They have lots of excursions to fun places and they run some fun activities in the centre too so that the kids don't feel like they are missing out during the holidays. This blog has some tips on how to choose a childcare centre with a vacation care program the kids will enjoy.