The holidays can seem even more stressful if you're working and your kids are out of school. Learn tips for choosing a child care centre for vacation care.


How Playing at Child Care Will Build Your Child’s Numeracy Skills

25 September 2019
, Blog

Sending your child to preschool is a great way to build up their foundations in numeracy, among other subjects. However, did you know that even a childcare or daycare centre with no formal teaching could help your child learn early math skills? That's because children naturally learn through playing and going to daycare with their peers is one of the best environments for educational play. Here are two ways that enrolling your child at a childcare centre will facilitate their pre-mathematics development.
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5 Signs That Your Child Is Thriving And Not Just Surviving At Child Care

28 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

No matter the type of childcare centre you have your child enrolled in, it no doubt brings you a lot of peace knowing that they are fully settled in and thriving at the centre. Is your child happy at the childcare centre? Here are a few telltale signs that will tell you if that's the case 1.    Happy Faces In The Morning If your child is happy and excited about going through their morning routine and getting ready to head to the childcare centre, then you can trust they are doing pretty well there.
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Why Child Care Centres Are An Important Part Of Your Kids Growth

19 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Having a child is one of the greatest parts of most peoples lives. Seeing them born and then watching them grow and adopt your habits gives you an immense feeling of pride and love for your children. There is something very primal and instinctive about wanting the best for your child, although sometimes what is best for your child can be scary for you to admit. Learning when and who to trust when raising your child is not easy, but this process of introducing your children to new people and letting them explore the world is a very necessary part of their development, and the best way to get them ready for this at a young age is through a day care centre.
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About Me
Finding holiday child care

I wish I got enough annual leave to spend all of the school holidays with my kids, but unfortunately I don't. Luckily some of the local childcare centres run some really good vacation care programs to keep the little monkeys occupied and out of trouble while I'm at work. They have lots of excursions to fun places and they run some fun activities in the centre too so that the kids don't feel like they are missing out during the holidays. This blog has some tips on how to choose a childcare centre with a vacation care program the kids will enjoy.