The holidays can seem even more stressful if you're working and your kids are out of school. Learn tips for choosing a child care centre for vacation care.


How to Protect Your Child During the Cold Season

20 November 2017
, Blog

There's nothing more disheartening than watching your child lie sick and helpless in bed with the cold or flu. The only thing you can do during such moments is to make them some chicken or noodle soup and keep them warm. It is common for young ones to fall sick when it's cold due to the exposure to environmental pollutants, viruses, and bacteria. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to ensure that your kids don't contract the flu as they go to kindergarten, daycare, or play with other kids when it's cold.
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How to Spark Curiosity and Raise a Little Scientist

27 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Science has long been a big part of society, but as the world moves towards more and more advanced technology, increasing numbers of careers require scientific literacy. And, with any skill or area of knowledge, the earlier the start, the more of a grasp a child will have on it. Since everyone wants their children to have a great start in life and a bright future, you might be realising the importance of raising a little scientist.
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Deciding Which Type Of Registered Childcare Is Right For Your Young Ones

21 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Hiring a registered childcare provider as a nanny or using a preschool or nursery staffed by registered care providers can be a tremendous boon to new parents, particularly those on limited incomes. Through this scheme, the government agrees to recoup some or all of your childcare costs by paying back a portion of the money you spend on childcare.  However, if you meet the eligibility requirements for these rebates, you will still have to decide what type of childcare to put your child or children into.
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About Me
Finding holiday child care

I wish I got enough annual leave to spend all of the school holidays with my kids, but unfortunately I don't. Luckily some of the local childcare centres run some really good vacation care programs to keep the little monkeys occupied and out of trouble while I'm at work. They have lots of excursions to fun places and they run some fun activities in the centre too so that the kids don't feel like they are missing out during the holidays. This blog has some tips on how to choose a childcare centre with a vacation care program the kids will enjoy.